SEA Cast Resin Transformers exceed highest quality standards

 E4-C5-F1 Certification

Cast resin transformers offer a safer and easier solution for the customer as there is a lower fire potential and a reduction in maintenance requirements compared to liquid immersed transformers.
As the high voltage windings are encapsulated, the transformers are totally screened against moisture, dust and industrial waste common in heavily polluted environments. The result is greater installability, flexibility and a maintenance free lifecycle.
Typically, cast resin transformers in standard execution are used in indoor applications, protected from solar radiation, in clean and dry environments, but their use is also increasing for outdoor applications.

Specific certifications for environmental, climatic and fire behaviour classes according to IEC 60076-11 have been developed to guarantee users a high level of reliability of the transformer during transport, storage and operation even at very low temperatures and under extreme humidity conditions.
The Standard IEC 60076-11: 2018 foresees the following Classes:

  • ENVIRONMENTAL: Air moisture, condensation, pollution and ambient temperature are environmental conditions for dry-type transformers. These factors are important both during operation and also during storage before installing the transformer. With regard to air moisture, condensation and pollution, four different environmental classes are defined, from E0 to E4.
  • CLIMATE: The climate class defines the lowest ambient operative and storage temperatures.
    Five different climate classes are defined from C1 to C5.
  • FIRE BEHAVIOUR: the fire classes are defined from F0 to F1 depending on whether or not there is a specific fire risk to be taken into account.

Our cast resin transformers in the “standard setup” are certified in compliance with IEC 60076-11 for E2 C2 F1 classes, but SEA SpA is among the first companies to achieve a Certification for the E4 C5 F1 classes in compliance with the new IEC 60076-11:2018-10 standard on the same cast resin transformer (TEST REPORT n. RP LS 23/401).
The tested transformer is a three-phase dry type transformer with encapsulated MV windings, for continuous duty, with natural air-cooling system (AN) and the following electrical features: Rated Power 1000 kVA, Rated Voltages 20/0,4 kV, Rated frequency 50 Hz.
This certification implies that our cast resin transformers can be used in challenging environments, thanks to its high classes related to polluted areas, for transport, storage and operation at low temperatures, and resistance to fire hazard.

Summarizing, the maximum performances achievable by our product are:

  • E4: transformer is suitable for frequent condensation or heavy pollution or a combination of both (max reachable relative humidity value > 95%)
  • C5: The transformer is suitable for transport and storage at -60 °C and operation at -50 °C.
  • F1: The transformer is subject to a fire hazard so restricted flammability is required and the emission of toxic substances and opaque smokes shall be minimized.

Considering also that SEA Cast resin transformers are made of material that are recyclable for ~ 95%, our innovation process took an important step forward both for preserve the environment and to meet the customers’ most demanding requests.

SEA SpA Cast Resin Transformers: versatility, sustainability and performance mixed in one winning solution
Contact us to have more information: [email protected]