SEA has obtained the EcoVadis Silver Medal

We are proud to announce that on 4th April SEA SpA has received the EcoVadis Silver Recognition for sustainability performances.


The continuous and effective management of sustainability practices is fundamental for our company and for the society.
For this reason, we have decided to use EcoVadis to evaluate our performance, identify risks, and understand where and how we can improve our impact on the world.
EcoVadis, in fact, is a platform that helps organizations to manage their ESG activities (Environmental, Social, Governance) and to reach sustainability goals in order to improve performances of the companies and their value chain.

The recognition gives a sustainability rating thanks to the analysis of 21 non-financial criteria based on the international sustainable development standards, from where EcoVadis select the more relevant for the organization. These criteria are divided into four macro-groups: Environmental, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement impacts.
EcoVadis employs advanced and rigorous evaluation criteria for each individual assessment, reviewed by expert analysts. This scoring system allows companies to compare their performance with that of their industry competitors and to assess their overall sustainability on an absolute scale. The EcoVadis scorecard also highlights strengths and areas of improvement for each theme.

After the assessment regarding our sustainability management performances, we achieved the Silver Medal that states that our organization fits inside the top 15% of the companies evaluated by the EcoVadis service.


It can be checked by clicking the medal below.


SEA knows how important it is to link innovation to all the sustainability topics and to the ecological transition in a strong way. This includes each dimension, both ecological, social and economic one. In this context our efforts and projects reflect the commitment in this direction.
SEA is thrilled to be part of the change, working on continuous improvements to transform the future.

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